Sunday, December 31, 2017



Winter is NOT an old man.
He is a toddler 
who stomps around in a bitter mood.
He is a three-year-old throwing a tantrum
after being scolded for misbehaving.
He pitches balls of frigid air that slap faces
and leave cheeks red and stinging.
His fists flail in revolt.
We dodge his repeated blows.
His feet kick up piles of snow
making a mess everywhere.
When you want him to move along,
he flings himself to the ground,
howling and refusing to budge,
as snow swirls about 
and piles up around him.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Winter Waiting

Winter Waiting

Chilled, brisk air 
chases him down the sidewalk 
and follows behind him 
through the door.
He shuts it out quickly.
He shakes bits of snow from his coat
which melt into little puddles 
upon hitting the floor.

He smells chili 
simmering on the stove
and the homemade bread she's baking.
Her welcoming hug and smile
makes him grateful
for a quiet evening at home
 in the making.

Wrapped in an afghan,
watching the flickering fire,
and drinking tea,
they spend their time
reading books, laughing, 
listening to music,
watching TV. 

It's the time of winter waiting.
Waiting for the snow to start.
Waiting for the snow to stop.
Waiting for the snow to melt.

It's the time of winter waiting.
Waiting for the soup to boil.
Waiting for the bread to bake.
Waiting for the new year.
Waiting to see... what cards will be dealt.

The young at heart 
wait for Christmas,
wondering what Santa will bring.
Older folks with aching bones
work jigsaw puzzles 
and wait for spring.