Concrete Manatees
I can't stop wondering how this came to be.
Why would a person wake up one day
and decide, "My mailbox should be held up by...
a concrete manatee!"
And what's more, is that,
they didn't stop there
with that random oddity.
They decided on not one, but THREE!
Two little ones and one BIG
concrete manatee.
Is the mail that arrives
better somehow
when it is cradled in the flippers
of a beady-blue-eyed,
cement sea cow?
And then, just a short way down the street
another mailbox caught my eye
there on bent- pipe stilt legs
a pink flamingo was standing by!
There must be something
in the air by the sea
to cause these bouts of whimsy.
These poor folks just lose their heads
in random flights of fantasy!